Monday, November 26, 2018

Getting apollo working


I've been working on getting apollo to work for existing records that are found from the HTML. As it currently stands, apollo will only append to the database if it finds a new record in the HTML. This is a good first step but I need to get the application to the point to it updating existing records as well. I already have some legacy code set up for doing this but it only works with an older, unused, database architecture. With the change to the new architecture, I need to reformat a lot of the functionalities to make it work.

I'm trying to make the new functionality very basic and continue improving it after I get it actually working. For example, if apollo finds a record for a new recording in the HTML, and the genre is "Electronic, House, Trance" - the way that I'm currently building it would store that entire string as its own Genre. This is fine for now but in the future, I'd want to seperate the records into 3 different genres. As it is right now, I'm only worried about getting a one-to-one relation between the Recording table and other tables. As the code evolves and becomes ready for beta, I'm planning on creating many-to-many relationships instead. I've already created bridges for this to be possible in the future. My plan is to work my way up, starting from the very basic functionality into more specific functionalities in the future.

I think this is the most important step I can take right now - getting the project working at its minimum. After that, I will want to focus on adding more tools to the project, such as improving Travis, adding test cases, etc. to get the project going and easier for potential contributors to contribute to.

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